Caffeine is the king of sports supplements
It is no secret among bodybuilders that caffeine is a terrific training supplement. It has far-reaching effects on the nervous system, hormones, skeletal muscle, cardiopulmonary system and kidneys. It spares muscle and liver carbohydrate stores, reduces the perception of fatigue and boosts beta-endorphin levels during exercise (endorphins reduce pain).
Researchers from the University of Connecticut, Storrs, concluded that caffeine also boosts mental function in athletes. Many studies found that caffeine improves concentration, prevents mental fatigue and makes people feel better. Low doses of caffeine are equally effective as high doses.
Athletes develop a tolerance for time. If you were relying on caffeine for an important competition, it is a good idea to stop taking it for four to seven days so that you can get the maximum effect during the important event. Factors influencing the optimal dose include body size, age, gender, previous use, and tolerance levels. If you do not use caffeine, it is a good idea to experiment with it before using it for a competition or big event.